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咨詢熱線: 15269186692
來源:http://www.sqmbk.com/ 時間:2022-07-30 瀏覽量:0
No matter what kind of suite furniture, its performance requirements and furniture structure are roughly the same. It not only requires sleeping and rest, but also has the function of transcription, as well as the role of small luggage storage. When you are struggling with hotel room furniture, you can start from the following aspects:
1. Whether the data is correct
Different hotel furniture has different appearance materials. For example, the legs of tables, chairs, cabinets, and hard miscellaneous materials can bear weight, while the external materials can use other materials; The thickness of the overcoat legs only needs to reach 2.5cm, which is too thick and clumsy, and too thin and easy to bend and deform; The cabinet of kitchen and toilet cannot choose the material of fiberboard. Because fiberboard will expand and destroy when encountering water, it should choose the material of plywood; The dining table should choose water resistance data.
2. Does the moisture content of wood exceed the standard
The moisture content of hotel furniture should not exceed 12%. If the moisture content is high, the wood will easily warp and deform. When ordinary consumers purchase, there is no testing instrument, so they can use the essentials of hand touch. Touch the bottom of the furniture or the place without painting with their hands. If they feel damp, then the moisture content Less than 50%, the foundation can't be used. Another facility is to sprinkle a little water on the unpainted place on the furniture wood. If there is no sign of immersion or the immersion is relatively slow, it will explain that the moisture content is high.
3. Is the layout consolidated
Small pieces of furniture, such as chairs, stools, hangers, etc., can be dragged on the cement floor and slightly dropped when picking. If the sound is crisp, the interpretation quality is better; If the voice is hoarse and there is a splitting noise, explain that the mortice connection is not thorough and the layout is not firm. The desk and table can be shaken by hand to see if they are stable. You can sit on the sofa for a while. If you move slightly and shake it, it won't take long to explain the nail work. Square tables, strip tables, chairs and other legs should have four triangular clips to play a role in mobility. When picking, you can turn the tables and chairs upside down to have a look, and the cloth covered chairs can be touched with your hands.
4. Are the four legs of the furniture flat
Jinan hotel catering Furniture Customization manufacturers believe that this point can be seen in a flash on the ground. Take a look at whether the desktop is straight, and you can use a piece of glass to test it without bowing your back or collapsing your waist. If the desktop is prominent, the glass plate will rotate when you put it on it; If the tabletop is recessed, the glass plate will break when pressed. The seams of cabinet doors and drawers should not be too large. We should pay attention to the horizontal and straight, and the doors should not droop.
Whether sticking wood veneer, PVC or pre painted paper, we should pay attention to whether the leather is flat, and whether there are signs of bulging, blistering and lax splicing. When checking, you should look at the light, otherwise you can't go in. You can come to our website for more precautions http://www.sqmbk.com have a look.
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