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咨詢熱線: 15269186692
來源:http://www.sqmbk.com/ 時間:2022-07-30 瀏覽量:0
Because national customized furniture does have the above problems. How can we prevent these problems in our home? I think we need to do the following four things well.
① : the contract must be clear. The contract is clear here. It is not only a simple indication of how much each projection area of customized furniture is, but also a detailed list of the prices of all products of customized furniture. Including plates, hardware and edge banding per square meter. There is also the increase in size per square meter. In this way, the price of the overall customized furniture products should be fully included, and the possible increased costs should also be included. This is a clear price, so as to avoid a very large price difference.
② : pay attention to the details of customized products. That is, after the customized products are completed, we should carefully observe them when they are assembled in our home. First observe the condition of the plate. The common one is that backboards are generally poor plates. At this time, let's look at the quality of backboards. If the quality of backboards is good, it shows that the materials of customized products are indeed good. In addition, we need to look at the overall support, that is, shake it with your hand. Don't shake it with a gentle shake. These are unqualified.
③ : you should turn more, watch more and compare more. In other words, if we plan to choose customized furniture, we personally suggest that you go to all customized furniture stores in the market to see more. At this time, we should first choose the general direction of the product, and then consult the price of the product according to the confirmed direction. Here, our key point is to consult about the board, hardware and after-sales of customized furniture products, so as to make a comprehensive comparison.
④ Jinan whole house customization manufacturer reminds you to pay attention to checking the certification certificates of various products. Because customized furniture is assembled by plate processing. Therefore, for the customized furniture we buy, we must carefully check the certification certificates of plates, hardware or other materials. We need to check the product certificate, anti-counterfeiting mark and environmental protection inspection certificate, so that we can try to avoid buying some fake and inferior products.
In fact, there are still many problems with customized furniture, so when we plan to choose customized furniture, we should also pay attention to this kind of problem. Only by solving these problems can we try our best to avoid various problems of customized furniture in our home. Come to the website for more relevant content http://www.sqmbk.com Consult.
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